Wednesday, September 17, 2008


After some much needed sleep, I ventured out to Parc Montjuic. This is the area where the Barcelona Olympics were held, I believe, and is also home to some very nice parks and museums.

First, was a visit to see Mies' Barcelona Pavillion. I had visited the Farnsworth House in early June before leaving on the fellowship and was excited to see the project in person. Today's visit was no different. Although not a house per se, the pavilion was Germany's entry into the World's exposition. The project is an interplay of planes--some solid and some transparent that create two inhabitable 'spaces' situated adjacent to two reflecting pools. Travertine and a green marble are the solid planes where the first material is both the flooring material of the entire project and the vertical walls for the smaller of two enclosures. The green marble is the other enclosure material for the larger enclosure. Articulated as a series of planes setting both parallel and perpendicular on a raised plinth, the pavilion is a play of solid and void. The larger of the two interior rooms (surrounded by green marble) has also a red marble plane to define a zone for seating that overlooks a reflecting pool.

More later...until then, here is a link to the new photos of today and yesterday's sites:

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