Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Greetings from Barcelona! Long time no post....

Wow! This is an absolutely beautiful city!

Arrived at BCN and transferred with no problem (but did witness a Spaniard literally push an American women while bording the flight in NYC...more on that later). Checked in and found that I am staying relatively close to the Parc Guell.

So, that is where I started today-Gaudi Day-and let me say-Gaudi is spectacular! I am completely blown away! We do not give his work justice in school I am sad to say...

Also visited and toured Casa Batllo and Casa Mila...have tons of photos, but will update those and the rest of S. America soon...tomorrow a.m. It has been an exceptionally long day and I am tired...

If you don't know his work...google Gaudi Barcelona and enjoy!

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